
Somatropin 5mg/1.5 ml is a recombinant polypeptide of human growth hormone. SOMATION ® is supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous injection in ready-to-administer prefilled pens for daily use in pediatric growth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, Noonan syndrome and idiopathic short stature.

PEGFilgrastim 6mg/0.6ml (long act Filgrastim) as a prefilled syringe for one single use after chemotherapy per cycle to prevent neutropenia.

Filgrastim 300mcg/0.5ml as a prefilled syringe for single daily use in adult for the prophylaxis and treatment of neutropenia following chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.

Filgrastim 150mcg/0.25ml as a prefilled syringe for single daily use in pediatric for the prophylaxis and treatment of neutropenia following chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.